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New Home Buyer Plumbing Checklist

New Home Buyer Plumbing Checklist

Whether it is your first or your twentieth, buying a home is a big investment, maybe one of the most significant investments you will ever make. There is a wide variety of things to consider, and while it is standard practice to hire a home inspector, there are still things that you must check out, with one of the most important being the plumbing. It may end up being a too costly mistake by not doing your homework and thoroughly checking the plumbing system out. The following checklist will guide you through the plumbing issues you need to inspect before buying a home from the hot water system to the sewers.

Hot Water System

Hot water is a luxury that is often taken for granted, but a water heater generally only has a life span of about 10-15 years, so it’s essential that you verify the hot water system’s age, or you may be left in the “cold”. To verify the age, check the metal plate that is attached to the water heater. The plate should include warranty information as well as the age of the water heater. Regardless of the water heater’s age, it’s important to have it regularly serviced, including flushing the tank. This information should also be available by being attached somewhere on the tank.

Sewers and Pipes

The sewer pipes are something that isn’t out in the open, so it’s easy to ignore, but all it takes is one bad flush, a crack, or intrusive tree roots to destroy the sewer line entirely. Repairing a severely damaged sewer line can be expensive, so do not forget to inspect the sewer pipes when you are doing your inspections. You may want to ask about the materials the pipes are made from regarding the sewer lines. The reason this is important is that sewer pipes that are made from clay break easily.

Check the Water Pressure

Use all of the fixtures in the home to check the water pressure. This includes flushing the toilets, turning on the showers, sinks, and all water-using appliances, such as the dishwasher. You’re going to be checking the overall water pressure, which will allow you to see if there is a low-flow problem in the house. When turning on the faucets, the water should come out evenly and with plenty of pressure, and when flushing the toilet, the water pressure should be strong enough to empty the bowl and refill it.

Ask About the Pipes

Be sure to ask about the age of the home’s pipes. Different materials have different lifespans and weaknesses. For instance, steel is the longest lasting material used for pipes, but they may be sensitive to corrosion, while copper pipes last as long as steel, but they are often more adaptable. If the pipes are lead, they will need to be replaced.

Kitchen and Bathroom Fixtures

Flushing the toilets and turning on the faucets is a great start when you are checking the plumbing, but there are other things to consider as well, including:

Hot water-Make sure all of the sinks and showers have hot water

Water color-If the water looks orange, red, or brown, it may be due to rust, which means corrosion in the pipes

Seals-Check all of the seals around fixtures to make sure there aren’t any leaks

Toilets-Check the toilets to make sure they don’t rock and that the bases are discolored or warped

During your inspection, along with checking the pipes and water pressure, it’s essential to inspect all of the connections for water-using appliances. This includes the dishwasher and washing machine; these hoses frequently leak so look under the hose to make sure there aren’t puddles of water and if you see bulges or signs of wear and tear, keep in mind that the hoses will need to be replaced.

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