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What A Blocked Main Sewer Line Means

What A Blocked Main Sewer Line Means

Discovering that your main sewer line is blocked can send a wave of concern through any homeowner. Beyond the inconvenience of slow drains or foul odors, a blocked main sewer line signifies a potential plumbing crisis that demands immediate attention. Below, we’ll look at the signs and actions to take when you have a blocked main sewer line.

Clogged Main Line Sewer Line vs Water Line

In residential plumbing, the main sewer line and main water line play distinct yet interconnected roles. The main sewer line transports wastewater and sewage from your home to the municipal sewer system or a septic tank—an essential component to maintain a hygienic and functional plumbing system.

On the other hand, the main water line brings fresh water into your home from the municipal water supply or a well. This water feeds into your plumbing fixtures, ensuring a clean and accessible water supply for daily activities. Both lines are typically buried underground, with the main sewer line descending from your home and the main water line entering it.

What is a sewer blockage?

The drains in your house lead to one place, which is the sewer line. This is the pipe that connects the pipes from your home to the main municipal sewer, which is usually underneath the ground. If this line gets blocked fully or even partially, this means that nothing can pass through it.

It’s possible the blockage could be in the sewer drain. When your sewer drain is blocked, it means that the flow of wastewater from your household plumbing to the main sewer line is obstructed. The expert plumbers at FORD’S can determine if the blockage is in the drain or whether it’s a blocked sewer pipe

Common Causes of a Sewer Line Blockage

Here are some of the things that can block the sewer lines:

Collapsed or Damaged Pipes

Aging pipes can corrode or collapse, impeding the flow of sewage. Shifts in the ground, freezing and thawing, or settling can also contribute to pipe damage.

Waste, Grease, and Trash

Putting grease down the sink is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make. Also, it is the worst that you can do to your pipes. Just like a human heart cannot take a lot of greasy and fast food, the pipes are the same.

Similarly, it can lead to a whole lot of clotting, and over time, it can be blocked entirely and stop the stream of water. With the addition of non-biodegradable trash, it gets even worse.

Flushing Non-Flushable Items

Items like flushable wipes, feminine hygiene products, cotton swabs, and certain paper products may not disintegrate as easily as toilet paper, leading to blockages.

Tree Roots

You don’t usually notice if your drains have a small leak. It is small and hidden and doesn’t show until it gets to something worse. However, if you have trees nearby your home or in your front or back yard, it would be easy to spot the leaks.

The roots move towards the line and will end up rolling themselves around the pipes. It would help if you kept an eye on drains or your trees surrounding the house.

Warning Signs that a Sewer Line Is Clogged

Here are some things you might notice that can indicate a clogged sewer line.

Slow Draining Sinks and Bathtubs

When your sewer starts showing problems, it might sometimes not reflect on the sinks, toilet, or bathtub. But if you pay close attention, you will be able to see that your tub is draining slowly or is not draining at all.

Other than that, many other fixtures will also be affected by this problem. If you see something like this, know that your plumbing system.

Constant Need to Plunge

If you have to plunge frequently due to toilet clogs, then that is also an indication that the clogging problem must be far lower than you can imagine. The same is the deal with the kitchen sink.

Gurgling Noises and Foul Odors

Gurgling sounds from drains or toilets, indicating air is trapped because of a blocked sewer line. Unpleasant smells emanating from drains or cleanout openings are also a common sign that your sewer line is blocked.

What Should You Do If You Have a Sewer Blockage?

If you encounter a sewer blockage, swift action is essential to prevent extensive damage and health hazards. Start by ceasing water usage to avoid exacerbating the issue. Refrain from using sinks, toilets, or other plumbing fixtures.

Contact a professional plumber immediately to assess and address the blockage. Avoid attempting DIY fixes, as improper interventions can worsen the problem.

If there is a sewage backup, minimize contact with contaminated water to prevent health risks. Clear the affected area and keep it well-ventilated. Professional plumbers utilize specialized tools like sewer cameras to identify the blockage’s cause and location accurately. They can then employ appropriate methods, such as hydro-jetting or pipe relining, to clear the obstruction and restore proper sewer function.

Regular preventive measures, like scheduled drain cleaning, can help avoid future blockages, ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your sewer system.

Contact FORD’S Plumbing To Look At Your Clogged Sewer Line

If you’re having issues with your main sewer line, contact FORD’S Plumbing today and we will evaluate the problem ASAP. If necessary, and possible, we can provide advanced trenchless sewer line repair to minimize the disruption to your home.


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